
We're a working member of the international 
Global Health Networks 
of Harvard University and the United Nations

U.N. Taskforce, Space Technologies for Global Health

Miriam is a member of the Working Group for Space Technologies for Global Health at SGNH, UNOOSA. The UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, at its sixty-first session held in June 2018, agreed to introduce a new item on Space and global health in the agenda of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee (STSC), and a working group established under that agenda item, convened with Antoine Geissbühler (Switzerland) as Chair. The proposal for a multi-year workplan for the working group takes into account the role of the Expert Group on Space and Global Health. Space for Global Health brings together stakeholders from mutiple sectors that synergize for One Health (environmental, animal, human health), and Planetary Health (climate change).

We are more than an expert group of leaders: like-minded people who use their passion and skills to make a difference at scale.

Photo below: UN WHO International Space and Global Health Conference, 2023, UN Headquarters, Palais des Nations, Geneva (photo © Geneva Digital Health Hub)

Photo above: UN WHO International Space and Global Health Conference, 2023, UN Headquarters, Palais des Nations, Geneva (photo © Geneva Digital Health Hub)

Global Health at
Harvard University

True abundance comes from connection. In 2018 we participted in the Global Health Delivery Intensive Program at Harvard University and became part of the international Global Health practising community through Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Harvard Business School, and Harvard Medical School. In an effort to create an interdisciplinary skill set that will improve how we build health care, we have also shared a strong determination and mutual understanding over several years. Healthcare is the work of many, and we all go the extra mile. Our experience is one of committed leaders co-developing healthcare systems with a dedication that is of a rare humanistic nature. Leaders and representatives from Partners in Health, Seed Global Health, the Abundance Foundation, the Gates Foundation and many others have influenced Miriam as a global citizen, and part of the growing Global Health community. Helping to shape better and more sustainable healthcare is an urgent matter, in the present, but also  for the future: Global Health lays the foundation for the future capacities of the health systems we will build for our planet, but not only on our planet, but beyond.

Photo below: 2018 Class, Global Health Delivery Intensive Program,  Harvard University, Cambridge, Boston, USA. We are a member of the international global health delivery alumni network of over 400 people who committed to Harvard's highest medical and research and development standards.

With an in-depth background in mental health as well as global health, our broader mission is to advance transdisciplinarity in medicine and innovate the landscape of healthcare. Music and its effects on the human mind and body are still heavily underrepresented in healthcare, and in education. Our shared mission is to assist and accelerate the SDG implementation process and ensure the world reaches its goal, at the latest by 2030. The implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals springs from the belief shared by United Nations officials, senior business leaders, investors, and NGOs that a transparent, academically driven index is needed to rank companies and countries on their sustainability practices. 

Photo below: participating at the World Economic Forum, WEF Davos 2022
Sustainable Development Goals Conference by the U.N. SDG Champions Platform